Electrode Cromarod 309L 4.0mm
Part No. CROD30940
Our Price:
£115.24 inc VAT
ex VAT
Cromarod 309L is a rutile flux coated electrode which deposits a 23%Cr / 13%Ni austenitic stainless steel weld metal. The high alloy content and ferrite level enable the weld metal to tolerate dilution from mild and low alloy steels without hot cracking or brittle structures.
– Dissimilar joints between stainless and mild or low alloy steels.
– Buffer layers on mild and low alloy steels prior to overlaying with Cromarod 308L or Cromarod 347.
– Interface runs in clad steel joints.
– Joining of clad steels and dissimilar joints between stainless and mild or low alloy steels.
– Welding of similar composition 309 type austenitic stainless steels.
– Joining ferritic-martensitic 410 and 430 type stainless steels.
Welding positions:
Coating type: Rutile
Welding current: DC +, AC 0CV > 39V
Ferrite content: FN 9 (WRC-92)
Corrosion resistance
As Cromarod 309L is usually used for buffer layers and dissimilar joints,corrosion resistance is of less importance. Two layers on mild steel is about equivalent to 304L type material.
Redrying temperature:
350 °C, 2h
EN 1600 E 23 12 L R 12
AWS A5.4 E 309L-17
ISO 3581-A E 23 12 L R 12
Mechanical properties - Typical
Yield strength, Rp0.2%: 470 N/mm2
Tensile Strength, Rm: 560 N/mm2
Elongation, A5 34%
Impact Energy , CV: -20C 48J
-60C 45J
Elga Cromarod 309L Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)