Electrode Cromarod 316L 3.2mm 3Kgs
Part No. CROD31632
Our Price:
£129.40 inc VAT
ex VAT
Cromarod 316L is a rutile flux coated AC/DC electrode intended for welding the low carbon, molybdenum alloyed, acid resisting austenitic stainless steels of similar composition (316L). Operability is excellent with a smooth low spatter arc producing an exceptionally good weld bead appearance. Fillet welds have a smooth surface, slightly concave profile with excellent toe line blend-in and a self-releasing slag. The electrode is all positional up to and including 3.25 mm diameter. Cromarod 316L is suitable for welding normal carbon 316 type grades and also Nb or Ti stabilised steels, provided service temperatures are below 400 °C. For 316 material grades used at elevated temperatures, Cromarod 318 is recommended.
Packaging -Sealed Tin
3.2mm x 3.0Kg x 350mm long
Welding positions: 1234T6
Coating type: Rutile
Welding current: DC +, AC 0CV > 39V
Ferrite content: FN 6 (WRC-92)
Corrosion resistance
Good resistance to general and intergranular corrosion in the more severe environments e.g. dilute hot acids. Good resistance to chloride pitting corrosion.
Redrying temperature: 350 °C, 2h
EN 1600 E 19 12 3 L R 12
AWS A5.4 E 316L-17
ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 12
DB Kennblatt Nr. 30.042.02
Mechanical properties - Typical
Yield strength, Rp0.2%: 490 N/mm2
Tensile Strength, Rm: 600 N/mm2
Elongation, A5 32%
Impact energy, CV: -20 °C· 55 J
-120 °C · 45 J
Elga Cromarod 316L Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)