2% Thoriated Tungstens are the most widely used tungsten throughout industry. Colour coded with a red tip they can be used in a wide variety of applications including non and high alloyed steel, titanium alloys, nickel alloys and copper alloys.
Red Thoriated tungsten electrodes contain a minimum of 97.30% tungsten and 1.70 to 2.20% thorium. They are the most commonly used electrodes today and are preferred for their longevity and ease of use. Thorium increases the electron emission qualities of the electrode, which improves arc starts and allows for a higher current carrying capacity. This electrode operates far below its melting temperature, which results in a considerably lower rate of consumption and eliminates arc wandering for greater stability. It also features a lower level of weld contamination than other electrodes.
Normally only used on DC current with a sharp ground point.
There is a slight problem created by the dust caused from grinding a point since tests have shown it to be radio-active to a small degree. There are two alternatives both of which are suitable for AC and DC applications - Ceriated and Gold Plus.
Tests have shown Gold Plus to have superior arc ignition and reignition over 2% Thoriated Tungstens.